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February 24, 2021

The Importance of Clean Toilet in Office

We are all aware of the line which says that Cleanliness is next to godliness. Toilet cleanliness is very important for all the human beings. It is the place from where all the germs and bacteria start their attacks on the human body. That is the reason why the toilets need to be sanitised daily. People spend most of their time at the office and this makes the office toilets more unclean than the others. Unclean toilets can affect the productivity and can cause various illnesses as well. That is why we all need clean toilets in office to stay away from these unwanted troubles.

What is the importance of having clean toilets?

We have described 7 significance of having clean toilets in the office washroom.

1. No germs, No bacteria:
A clean bathroom means a germ-free bathroom. Every office needs such sanitised washrooms for their employees. Germs and bacteria create loads of health troubles and make problems for the employees. If the toilet is cleaned every day, then there is no fear of such factors and the employees can perform their work without any trouble.

2. A healthy environment prevails:
There are numerous people who get satisfaction from a clean environment. We love that too. A completely clean and spotless toilet with the smell of fresh lemon is on everyone’s wish list. We all want our office toilet to be this way. But a dirty toilet affects the morale of the office employees. They keep themselves away from going there and it creates health trouble for them as well. Keeping a toilet hygienic is not a tough job. All you need is just proper cleaning in every 2 hours of time.

3. There will be No sick leaves:
You don’t have to be a genius to understand this point. A dirty toilet contains harmful germs and bacteria. When the employees use them, the elements get into their body. It causes dangerous diseases. Then employees take sick leaves and all your production halts in no time. According to an info-graphic research, sick leaves cost more than $250 in the US every year and result in a 55 % loss in production. So it is very important to keep the toilets clean to keep your employees in a good state. The janitorial team should focus on daily sanitising of toilets to lessen the attacks of germs.

4. There is no havoc of dirt:
A filthy toilet can be an inflicting mess on the office employees and they might not even understand this. The flying dust and germs attack their body. They cause a headache, skin troubles and breathing problems. After getting affected, the energy level of those employees gets lessened. They can feel a lack of motivation while performing their daily work in the office. Better cleaning habits and excellence janitorial maintenance will certainly blow the in the general health of all the office staffs.

5. It can attract customers:
There are many businesses that have toilets for their consumers’ use. Suppose a customer has come to an office and he needs to rush to the washroom. When that customer will face the unclean and gassy toilet in the office, he will come out of there quickly. This situation can harm the image of that office. But if the toilet is clean and smelly enough, then the customer would be satisfied. A fresh toilet always attracts customers and customers are the only way to success in business.

6. Your clients will be satisfied too:
It’s not all about customers, but it’s also about your personal dealers, potential and present clients, commerce associates and potential workers. Do you want them to face an unclean toilet in your office? A germ-infested toilet is full of germs and that can affect them as well. They will tag your workplace as the filthy one. You cannot able to hide such news as they spread as fast as germs. All you need to have is to some cleaning strategies to keep your office toilet clean and hygienic all through the day.

7. There will be no wastage of time:
An unclean toilet is always a discussion point in between the employees. They discuss this all through the day and long conversations are being created. Office workers are also unwilling to utilise contaminated toilets and will go to use the hygienic ones. Lengthy discussions of this kind or long travel can have an effect on the efficiency of workers in some way. But a fresh toilet makes the workers happy and they set a massive production rate.

How to keep your office toilets clean?

Maintenance of the sanitation is as necessary as the cleaning process. It is totally in the hands of the office workers. If you are an office worker and have dirty toilets, you can follow some restroom etiquettes to avoid those do and die situations. We have described top 5 washroom etiquettes below which will help you in maintaining the sanitation of your office toilets.

  • You should never leave the washroom without flushing out. In happens many times when to forget to do that. But if you are in the office, then keep this stuff on your mind all the time. If you forget to flush, your colleagues will term you as uncultured and consider this act as rudeness. This can prove to be fatal for your image in the office.
  • Always wash the toilet seat to dry with the help of toilet papers. Nobody likes to sit on wet toilet seats and it is harmful as well. Most of the infections occur due to the spread of germs through sanitary areas. Soggy toilets are one of the prime places where germs stay active. A wiping takes merely 1 to 2 minutes of time, but this will be a really encouraging sign towards the next individual to make use of that toilet.
  • You should never flush plastic items because they will not split up in the water right away. It is also against the restroom etiquettes and they are also able to choke the drain pipes.
  • If you are feeling the stinky smells then open the windows or start the exhaust fan. There is also a little trick to prevent such smells. Close the commode leads after using and start the flush. The water will emit all the stinky and smelly gases and the restroom will be smell free.
  • If you are using the western washroom then it is better to not squat. This is also against the bathroom etiquette rules

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