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January 25, 2022

Cleaning Tips | Cleaning always results in a healthy mindset.

A clean space, whether this is your home or workplace can impact and improve wellbeing. Here are a collection of our cleaning tips and advice from the Adept team to keep your spaces sparkling.

General Tips

Make sure you sanitize surfaces often. Having a clean and healthy environment is essential. Keep all surfaces clean and sanitized while practising basic hygiene rules.

Open windows and allow for clean air. Regular ventilation is required for a healthy environment.

Pay special attention to touch points and high risk areas.

Treat yourself to some new cleaning equipment. Remember to keep up the quality of your equipment as good quality equipment and products makes cleaning so much easier.

Don’t rush your cleaning. Make sure the products you are using sit for a good amount of time. Removing too quickly can reduce the effectiveness of the product.

Use straight vinegar on a cloth with stainless steel for the best results. This can also work on a polished surface.

Germs are everywhere and they can travel from surface to surface in various ways. workplace.

Cleaning “from top to bottom” is literally the most effective method. Start with dusting the ceiling and finish by vacuuming the carpet.


Clean your windows on a grey and overcast day. You probably feel inspired (or shamed) into cleaning your windows on a bright and sunny day, when every streak and speck of dirt is revealed in the sunlight. The trouble is that that bright sunshine will make the cleaning products dry to quickly and leave streaks behind.

Make your own glass cleaner by mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water with a few drops of essential oil.

Cornstarch solution is an excellent product for cleaning your windows and removing grime. Use in a spray bottle with water. You can do the same with vinegar and water for general cleaning.

In the Kitchen

Your chopping boards get lots of use. Lemons are great for lifting stains from chopping boards as well as removing smells. If that doesn’t work, try a sprinkle of baking soda the bring the board back to life.

When washing up remember this order: glasses (rinse in cold water) followed by china, cutlery, then pots and pans.

Clean your microwave without scrubbing by putting a bowl of hot water inside and setting it for 5 mins. Then wipe with a cloth, this is a great way to help remove stubborn stains.

When cleaning taps avoid abrasive products and use vinegar to deal with limescale and mould.

Keep your fridge spotlessly clean and avoid the build up of mould and bacteria wipe regularly with baking soda and warm water. Check the contents and have a clear out every week.

Avoid abrasive or wire scourers on your worktops. Clean surfaces and counters thoroughly with a cloth and warm soapy water.

Cleaning your glass cooktop try to wipe up spills promptly, use a grease-cutting spray made for glass when the worktop is cool. Finally rinse and buff the glass with a soft cloth or paper towel.

If your cooktop has burned-on stubborn stains try sprinkling a little baking soda and clean repeatedly with a damp cloth. Avoid abrasive sponges. Cooktop solution can help soften the residue, use a warm, moist cloth first.

Clean your washing machine with distilled white vinegar (1-2 cups) for along cycle, then repeat with baking soda and run with a hot, long cycle.

For the bathroom

Clean your toilet stains with Coke, pour in a can and let it settle overnight for best results.

Vinegar can help remove limescale from your shower? Soak your shower head in a mixture of boiling water and vinegar to unclog limescale easily.

To keep your bath clean and reduce the build up of grime give it a quick wipe after every use with warm water and a micro fibre cloth. Simple, quick and effective.

Final thoughts

Remember don’t be too hasty. Make sure you allow cleaning products time to work effectively. Washing off or wiping immediately can reduce their effectiveness.

Clean your sponges. Place a damp sponge in the microwave for 90 seconds on full power, you’ll reduce the amount of bacteria on it by 99%.

Reduce the amount of cleaning supplies you have. Too many solutions can be overwhelming and complicate the cleaning process. Use only the absolute essentials to guarantee an easier time or create your own.

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