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March 8, 2021

Not just clean, but safe. The post COVID-19 workplace

There can be quite a difference between looking clean and actually being hygienically clean.

A surface may look clean, but if there is any contamination left behind it is going act like a magnet and attract a build-up of further contamination.

There are lots of companies and products claiming they can destroy the coronavirus. The reality is no single process that will make your workplace 100% safe.  That’s why we offer a complete assessment, followed by a two stage deep cleaning and sanitising process.

“The reality is no single process that will make your workplace 100% safe.“

Public Health England offer some clear guidelines regarding the cleaning of workplaces in the context of the COVID-19 virus. At Adept Cleaning Services the team follow these PHE guidelines as best practice. Including

-       the cleaning of touch points

-       the use of specific chemicals

-       adherence to specific practices and appropriate

A deep clean is the only way to eliminate germs and viruses: that’s why the Adept team always employ a two-stage process.

The cleanliness of your workplace whether it is an office or property is absolutely essential. If your workspace is not clean, itis not hygienic. And if it is not hygienic then it is simply not safe for you and the people who share your space.


“Cleaning should be considered the first line of defence in your staff and your visitors’ health and safety.”


What is Deep Cleaning?

“Deep Cleaning” is a term used by many cleaning companies without giving it a clear definition. It is not a precise scientific term but is used loosely to describe a level of cleaning that includes some aspect of decontamination in addition to basic cleaning.

At Adept, we recommend and follow this two-stage approach to deep cleaning.

First comes cleaning.By this, we mean the use of detergents and disposable cloths to remove dirt and debris from all surfaces. This action does not kill germs and viruses, but by removing dirt it reduces the number of germs and reduces the risk of infection.This first stage is vital; surfaces simply must be cleaned first in order to have any chance of keeping bacteria and the Coronavirus at bay.

Second is disinfection.This means the use of appropriate and approved chemicals and methods to kill germs. The disinfecting process does not necessarily clean the surfaces. But by killing germs remaining on a previously cleaned surface, it will reduce the risk of spreading infection.

The NHS describes disinfection as “a process that reduces the number of micro-organisms to a level at which they are not harmful. This is only effective if the surface is thoroughly cleaned with a detergent solution beforehand.”

Cleanliness of offices and buildings is now recognised as being of vital importance. As the long-term impact of COVID-19 develops people’s expectations have increased with regard to standards of cleanliness and how these standards are maintained.

The odd patch of sticky carpet, or limescale might have been overlooked in the past, but now it could be taken as a warning sign that hygiene is not a priority and they may become concerned about potential risk of infection.

“If your property is not clean it’s not hygienic and it’s simply not safe.”


Enhanced Cleaning Routines

The Adept team take a flexible approach and adaptour routines to suit each client’s requirements as they change.

Our first step is to assess the problem or situation.This might require a site visit or could perhaps be done to Zoom or by viewing photographs or a video.

Enhanced cleaning routines will generally be applicable to areas and surfaces that have high levels of human contact and that are more likely become reservoirs of COVID-19. This includes areas such as conference rooms, canteens,and communal spaces. Anywhere people congregate needs enhanced cleaning.


Touch points Need Attention

Touch Points such as laptops, handrails, light switches and door handles, which people frequently touch need attention. These areas and touchpoints will require more frequent cleaning and disinfecting than previously. The general principal being that the more people that come into contact with them, the more frequently they should be cleaned. This would normally be at least daily and may also need to be done between shifts. Adept work with our clients to determine what is the most appropriate level.


“Cleanliness is the outcome that our clients require. Cleaning is the process though which we achieve it.”


Failure to clean and disinfect workspace properly is not like leaving an unemptied waste bin or an un-mopped corner of the floor– these are annoying.

It is potentially a life-threatening failure,that at the very least could leave employees, colleagues, and visitors at risk of serious illness.

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